Sunday, May 18, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins: Friday Fill-Ins #72

Friday Fill-Ins: Friday Fill-Ins #72

1. There is absolutely NO way you can get me to jump out of a plane!

2. Hot weather reminds me that summer is almost here!

3. I cannot live without my computer!

4. There is nothing i can think of that I'd like to try.

5. When life hands you lemons obviously you make lemonaide. Sorry!

6. Summer time is my favorite childhood memory.

7. And as for the weekend, Friday night I looked forward to reading and some quiet time, Saturday my plans included visiting a friend for lunch in Oceanside, shopping for a Father's day gift and Sunday, I ended up seeing IRON MAN with my husband!


Janet said...

How was Iron Man? I'm looking forward to seeing it. Thanks for playing :-)

ratmammy said...

Great movie! It was funny, witty, smart, but fun. Cannot wait for the next installment (they left it open so there could be more...)

Anonymous said...

That's funny because my answer for the 1st question is the same as yours !

ratmammy said...

Joelle! haha! you know, i am now trying to remember if i had read your post first but I dont think i did! I'll have to go and check yours out too!