Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ratmammy's March 2008 Reads

Here are the books I read in March 2008
(rating based on 5 Stars being the best)
#13 MADNESS by Marya Hornbacher Pgs 320 - 4/5 stars
#14 ONE MORE SUNRISE by Michael Landon Jr and Tracie Peterson Pgs 358 - 3.5/5 stars #15 PLEASURE by Eric Jerome Dickey Pgs 442- 4/5 stars
#16 DESIGNED FOR PASSION by Francine Craft Pgs 248 - 3/5 stars
#17 REMEMBER ME? by Sophie Kinsella Pgs 389 -4/5 stars

My favorite book this month was a tie between MADNESS and REMEMBER ME. Both are different types of books, but both books were ones that I had a hard time putting down.

My least favorite book was DESIGNED FOR PASSION. I didn't think the writing was as good as it could have been, but gave it a 3 for it's subject matter (beauty in the body of a large woman). I'm actually reading another book by the same author, and I think this will be the last time I read this author. Something about her writing is off, like she's writing for a totally different time period...

Average 56.67 pages per day

Average pages per book: 351.4

I'm spending less time reading, but the books are growing longer...

Of the 5 books I read this month, all were either books for Review Or requests from the author/publisher--

MADNESS - review for Curled up
ONE MORE SUNRISE - review for Love Romances
PLEASURE - review for
DESIGNED FOR PASSION - review request by author for Love romances
REMEMBER ME - review for Love Romances

This was an interesting reading month, since I read a diverse set of books. One was a psychological memoir, another was African American romance, another was African American erotic, another was Christian fiction, and one was chick lit!

Now that I'm off work again, I hope to fit in more reading time, but so far I haven't been too successful.

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