Saturday, April 19, 2008

#10 NEARLYWEDS by Beth Kendrick

Number of Book #10
Date Began and Finished 2/18- 2/20 2008
Genre - Chick lit
Year It Was Published - 2006
Publisher - Down town Press
number of Pages 333
Trade paperback
Reason for reading: TBR, trade with friend
Rating 4/5 stars

Blurb or Synopsis: This was a fun, easy going tale of three women who discover their marriages were never legal. Each of them are notified that the minister that performed their ceremonies has died, and unfortunately he never signed the documents to make their marriages legal.

The thing is - each of the three women are actually having second thoughts on their newly married statuses, and this problem with their marriages may be a good thing. NEARLYWEDS had all three women, Stella, Casey and Erin, look at their relationships with their new husbands and now have to decide whether to tie the knot again. All three are very different women from different walks of life. Told in a very light tone of voice, NEARLYWEDS is a funny look at the mistakes these women make as they try to figure out where they want to be once the dust has cleared, and it is a wild guess which of these women will stay married, or move on without their husbands.

I was surprised at how well-written this book was, and how much I enjoyed it. It's not a literary masterpiece but it's the type of book that one enjoys to escape. What are the odds that all three women meet? Not very high, but one ignores facts like that to focus on the three women and their very different situations. NEARLYWEDS was very enjoyable, and worth the time spent.

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