Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ratmammys reads for May 2008

Here are the books I read in May 2008

(rating based on 5 Stars being the best)

#27 2cool2btrue by Simon Brooke Pgs 368 - 4/5 stars
#28 THREE GIRLS AND THEIR BROTHER by Theresa Rebeck pgs 335 - 3.5/5 stars
#29 DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT by Lauren Henderson Pgs 304- 4/5 stars
#30 A SOLDIER COMES HOME by Cindi Myers Pgs 242 - 4/5 stars
#31 SEARCHING FOR PARADISE in Parker, Pa by Kris Radish Pgs 343 -4/5 stars
#32 CRYSTAL CLEAR by Jane Heller Pgs 380 - 3.5/5 stars
#33 SWEET LOVE by Sarah Strohmeyer Pgs 297 -4.5/5 stars

My favorite book this month was a tie between SWEET LOVE, SEARCHING FOR PARADISE and THREE GIRLS AND THEIR BROTHER, followed closely by 2COOL and DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT... this was a really good reading month in terms of quality. I got lucky.

My least favorite book was CRYSTAL CLEAR and it wasn't a horrible book but i have read other books by this author, and this was definitely not her best.

Average 73.19 pages per day
Average pages per book: 324

I'm reading less per day, but the books are getting bigger... amazing...i was back to work in May (part time) so that explains why I read less. April was the month we went to Japan and I found a lot of time to read on the plane and in our hotel room in between events.

Of the 7 books I read this month, the following were books for review or requests by the author/publisher:

A SOLDIER COMES HOME - review for Love Romances
SEARCHING FOR PARADISE in Parker, Pa - review for Love romances
SWEET LOVE by Sarah Strohmeyer - review for Bookreporter

A good month of reading in terms of quality, but not quantity. June is already looking dismal, due to more work, but July we will be going to Maui for 10 days and I do spend a lot of time in the mornings reading.... it should be my best reading month of the year...

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